The following photos were from a trip in the beginning of September. I revisited Gallagher Fen with my friend Jim Davidson. What an awesome day! This was the first time I had seen many of these plants in bloom. I had seen their vegetation in the past, but now I was seeing them in all their glory. I think you will agree!
Great Blue Lobelia, Lobelia siphilitica, a cousin to Kalm's Lobelia has a large blue spike of flowers. One of my favorites, I was glad to see it in almost full bloom.
Canada Burnet, Sanguisorba canadensis, looks like a highly ornate candle one would buy in a specialty shop. Normally, the blooms start at the bottom and gradually open and close as they progress along the spike. This unique plant was opened up almost along its entire length. It was located in a tricky spot, so I had to straddle a deep puddle in order to take the shot and not fall in the muck. Jim D. was helping by taunting me the entire time. :)

Grass of Parnassus, Parnassia glauca, was in bloom, as well. I had only viewed it leaves in the past. Such a delicate beauty. I love the nectar guides, the faint gray lines on the petals that point the pollinators to the goods.
Gallagher Fen can be visited by permit only. You must contact the Ohio Division of Nature Preserves to ask for a permit. Such a beautiful place, I hope they continue to protect it in the years to come.