At Cave Lake, we not only were able to see loads of cool flora, we also viewed some pretty cool beasties, as well. It isn't a secret that I really like caterpillars, so when we found some truly interesting ones, I was stoked!
We found a patch of Prickly Ash,
Zanthoxylum americanum, and I wondered out loud if we could find a
Giant Swallowtail caterpillar,
Papilio cresphontes, on the leaves. Not more than a few seconds later, sharp-eyed Diana Boyd from
Keystone Flora found one, right under my nose.
Like a bizarre Tickle Me Elmo for science geeks, you tickle the little caterpillar bird poo mimic and teeee-heeee!...

out pops its
osmeterium and a not so pleasant smell. It protects the little caterpillar from nosy birds looking for a snack by scaring the feathers off of them.
A little later, John Howard was flipping over leaves and found this lime green beauty, a Luna Moth caterpillar, Actias luna.

Such a cool caterpillar and one I rarely get to see. It will become one of the most beautiful moths out there.

Here is one we raised from a caterpillar a few years ago. I love how the edges of the wings blend right in with the branch, with tiny leaf bud detailing. While hanging high up in a tree, it would go unnoticed by most. So amazing!
We weren't as lucky as you were, the only caterpillars we saw were Monarchs.