Wintertime is a great time to exercise the old noggin with a quiz. It is also a great time to learn your trees based on the bark. Soooo, I decided to combine the two into a handy-dandy tree quiz. See how you do. These trees are all native to Indiana.

Tree #1

Tree #2

Tree #3
Bonus Question 1: Name what critter made the holes. (This will probably give away the tree.)
Bonus Question 2: Name the vine climbing the tree. You can tell if you look closely.
Tree #4
Tree #5
Tree #6

Tree #7
I will post the answers Jan 3rd. Good Luck!
If you like trees, check out the Festival of the Trees blog carnival hosted at xenogere. It will be up on Jan 1st.
The little squares on 4 are pine?? But then I am not in Indiana.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I think I'll go out on a limb here and post my guesses.
ReplyDelete#1 - Sugar maple
#2 - Some kind of poplar (Balm of Gilead?)
#3 - Based on the sapsucker holes, I'll guess pignut hickory. Not sure about vine -- Virginia creeper?
#4 - Looks like black cherry
#5 - Sheesh, I don't know. Flowering dogwood?
#6 - Tulip tree! Unless it's white ash.
#7 - Ailanthus
Wow... this is tough. I have to admit that rarely, if ever, do I rely on bark alone to identify a tree in winter; I look at form, branch arrangement, buds, and any remaining leaves I can find for many species. Here are my best guesses anyways.
ReplyDelete1) Acer saccharinum is my best guess, but I still can't completely rule out a young Carya ovata.
2) Juglans nigra
3) The holes look like the result of Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and the vine looks like Parthenocissus quinquefolia. I'm having trouble with the tree, but I'm going to guess Liriodendron tulipifera, because that is the tree I see sapsucker holes in most commonly.
4) Prunus serotina
5) Quercus alba
6) Fraxinus pennsylvanica
7) Populus grandidentata
Thanks everyone for playing.
ReplyDeleteDave and Scott did quite well and even correctly guessed the bonus questions.
Elephant Eye-#4 does look similar to a pine.